Coherente: A argument or part of a argument.
Belabor: Argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive danger.
Eschew: Deliberately avoid using; abstain from
Acquisitive: Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
emulate: Match or surpass; imitate
Banal: Lackinht in originality as to obvious and boring.
Excoriation: Harsh criticism
Congeal: Shape or coalesced
Carping: Difficult to please; critical
Substantiate: Provide evidence to support to prove the truth of.
Temporize: Aviod making a decision.
Largesse: Money of gifts given generously.
Tenable: Able to be maintained to defended against attack or objection.
Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy.
Reconnaissance: Preliminary surveying or research.
Germane: Relevant to a subject under consideration
Ramify: Spread or branch out.
Intransigent: Unwilling or refusing to change ones view or to agree about something.
Taciturn: Reserved or uncommunicative in a speech; saying little.
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