
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Respect my authority

I really haven't had any problem being my self infront of a authority figure. I think they respect the fact that I'm true to myself and other people. But yeah I haven't had a problem with that.

Inciting incident

The part of the story that I found inciting was when they were arresting him. Why because it was like the climax of the story like everything was like falling and it may have ended bad but I still liked it. And I also liked that the story kinda left on a cliff hanger so the reader can image what the ending is.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Mistakes For President

What the fuck.  That's all I can say about the debate. Both of them were all over the place they were both dodging the questions. But atleast Hilary gave some good answers. But Donald I don't know what the fuck he was talking about. He was literally talking out of his ass he was all over the place. That's all I have to say about the debate.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Pedestrian

My first impression of the story that Leonard is a weird guy. He walks when no on ease is that's weird. I mean he could like the peace and quiet but I think it's weird. He seems like such a nerd like he lives with mom or something. So that was my first impression of the story.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Big Question Disciplines

My Big question was Why people were so ignorant with other people beliefs, sexuality, etc.
And the disciples for it are sociable, and psychological

Fall Vocan List #4


Intermittent: Occutring at irregular intervals;not continuous or steady
Ebb: Outgoing tide
Regress:  Return to a former or less developed state.
Tendency: Possession to a former of land or property as a tenant 
Antiseptic: Relating to 


1. Sometimes my brain is working in a intermittent speed.
2. The ebb at the beach is beautiful.
3. Sometimes it's in possible to regress.
4. I had to move from my lad house because the tendency asked us to.
5. I like when I can antiseptic with someone.

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aries

Describe  the grade you earned on your essay and your reaction to it.  Why did you receive that grade?  Dpoyou agree with it?  AND: what other grades have you earned, what work have you done so far in this course, and what do you think you've earned for the first grading period?

My reaction to my essay grade was nothing. I've done so many essays that I honestly kinda don't care for them anymore. I know how much work I put into them I know what I do and I know (Kinda) on what my grade will be. I received my grade cause I tried and I worked to get that, I read the stories and looked for the theme and tone and I got what I wanted. My other grades are good they could be better but they're good. Thework I've done, I've done almost all of the assignments from the course and the grade that I think I've earned is like B+ or like a A-. Why because I work hard for my grade I do my work and I should get rewarded for it.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Vocab List #3


Coherente: A argument or part of a argument.
Belabor: Argue or elaborate (a subject) in excessive danger.
Eschew:  Deliberately avoid using; abstain from
Acquisitive: Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things.
emulate: Match or surpass; imitate 
Banal: Lackinht in originality as to obvious and boring.
Excoriation: Harsh criticism 
Congeal: Shape or coalesced
Carping: Difficult to please; critical 
Substantiate: Provide evidence to support to prove the truth of.
Temporize: Aviod making a decision.
Largesse: Money of gifts given generously.
Tenable: Able to be maintained to defended against attack or objection.
Insatiable: Impossible to satisfy.
Reconnaissance: Preliminary surveying or research.
Germane: Relevant to a subject under consideration 
Ramify: Spread or branch out.
Intransigent: Unwilling or refusing to change ones view or to agree about something.
Taciturn: Reserved or uncommunicative in a speech; saying little.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Literature Anaylis Questions #1

1.Briefly summarize the plot of the novel.
2.Succinctly describe the theme of the novel. Avoid cliches.
3.Based on the author's tone, describe how you imagine the author's morning routine.  Does she/he get up early or sleep late?  Coffee, tea, or no caffeine? Yoga/meditation/exercise?  Groggily stumble to the toilet and wish s/he wasn't so hungover?  Breakfast?  If so, what kind of food?  No, I am not kidding.  There is no shortcut for this, only your own imaginative thinking based on how you read his/her work and interpret his/her tone.  Include no fewer than three (3) excerpts from the text that illustrate your points.
4.Describe five (5) literary techniques you observed that strengthened your understanding of the theme and/or your sense of the tone.  These techniques may include characterization, figurative language, or anything else you've ever studied.  If you can't come up with five, do your best to remember and then look up "literary techniques" online and see if something rings a bell.  Include three (3) excerpts for each technique that will help your reader understand the technique and how it helped you gain insight.

1. The plot of my novel is about a guy named Richard and he wife ValĂ©rie and she's having an affair,with the neighbor, and Richards son might be mentally disturbed. He sells pharmaceuticals and he has a sudden route to Africa and he starts to realize the idea of a full life the love is just a illusion. And also that leaves the neighbor's wife questioning her faith with her husband, Jeff. 
2.The theme of my novel is basically sadness/depressing, anger, and that love is just an illusion.
3. I think that Louise Dean wakes up is at the beach under a strangers arm. And I feel like she for a has super short workouts and she only goes to check out the younger guys and just hangs out at Starbucks for the rest of the day drinking her super specific drink. And I also think that if they even get it slightly wrong she will throw a big fit and would to speak with the manager.